Add Time Off policy
How to add a Time Off policy ?
Roles and Permissions:
Organisation Owner/Manager:
They can control Timeoff Policy setting of all members of organisation.
Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :
Workstatus Time Off feature allows you to set policies that dictate the time off, or leave your team can take.
Time Off policies
Leave Request
Time Off policies
To add a time off policy, first, you will need to navigate to the Settings option on the left of the dashboard then click on its subheading Features and select Time Off.
Click on Add policy.
Next, the Add new policy dialog box will appear. You will be asked to fill in the following information:
Policy Name: Write name of your policy .
Department: When you add department in policy department and team members of that department will be added automatically in your policy.
Teams: When you addTeam in policy team members of that department will be added automatically in your policy.
Members – You can select and deselect members from dropdown and also you can select all members at a time by checking select all members .
Automatically add new members to the policy: Click on toggle button to automatically add new members of organisation .
Schedule of Accrual:
Annual – Balances are added at the start of each year.
Worked Hours – Allows you to add a custom number of hours of time off earned for every hour each team member worked
Policy joined Date - Balances are added at the date of joining policy.
Maximum Accrued Amount (Only available on annual accrual policies) – Here you would input a time-off credit balance each team member is eligible to receive at the start of every year.
Allow negative balances: – This enables users to file a time off request even if their credit balance is “0.”
Balance rolls over annually: – This enables the remaining balance from the previous year’s time off credits to roll over to the following year.
Requires approval: – This requires each pending time off request to be approved by a manager/owner. If is saved as YES ,Then Approval levels wil be enabled and you can add Team Lead Department Head or other members to approve time off of your employees.
Paid: – This configures the time-off credits as billable.
Skip: - When you check this box ,It will skip levels off approvals as mentioned .
Notify: - When you check this box ,Mail will be received when your employee will apply a time-off and when It will be approved from level 1 then level 2 member will recieve a mail for the same and so on.
Control escalation timeoff-request.
Role : Organization Manager
Enable the setting to Yes for your users so as to raise any escalation of the submitted leave .
Leave Request :
When you choose hours ,It will allow employees to apply leave in hours .
When you choose Days ,It will allow employees to apply leave in half and full days .
Role : User
Go to Time off >> check the status of leave >> if it says submitted and no action has been taken , you may raise an escalation for it.
Click on 3 dots against the submitted request (1) >> select escalation(2) >> Enter reason >> Click Submit
Your escalation is successfully submitted and mail is being sent to Organization owner(screenshot shared below) to notify him to take action on your request.
Updated on: 30/01/2025
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