Articles on: Time OFF

Overview of the Time Off Module

Overview of the Time Off Module

Roles and Permissions:

Organization Owner/Manager :
They can Add Policy, Edit Policy, Archieve Policy, Remove Policy, Request Timeoff, View Request, Edit Request, Approve Request, Deny Request and Delete Request for all members of Organisation.

Delivery Head :
They can Request Timeoff, View Request, Edit Request and Delete Request for themself.

Dept Head(User):
They can Request Timeoff, View Request, Edit Request and Delete Request of assigned members as well as themself.
They can Approve requests and reject requests of Assigned members.

Project Manager (User) :
They can Request Timeoff, View Request, Edit Request and Delete Request for themself.

Team Lead(User):
They can Request Timeoff, View Request, Edit Request and Delete Request of assigned members as well as themself.
They can Approve requests and reject requests of Assigned members if enabled from setting.

User :
They can Request Timeoff, View Request, Edit Request and Delete Request for themself.

Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :

Step 1

Click on Module Time and Attendance >> Time off - here in this screen below details can be observed:

A) Monthly Pattern : it gives you an overview on pattern of leaves taken.
B) Leave Balance : One gets default balance of 189 credited to its account if he becomes a member of an organization. Here it also shows the count of other leave balance type .
C) Leave History : shows list of leaves type taken on the selected date from the filter.
D) Leave data : shows Current week/next week data

Updated on: 11/06/2024

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