Articles on: Schedules

Workstatus Schedules

Workstatus Schedules

Roles and Permissions:

Organization Owner/Manager :
They can Add, Edit, and Delete schedules for all members of the organization.

Dept Head(User):
They can Add, Edit and Delete Schedules for Assigned Members only, not for themself.

Team Lead(User):
They can Add, Edit, and Delete schedules for themselves as well as Team Members if enabled from setting.

Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :

Note : Only Parent schedule can be edited, its child schedule cannot be edited.

You are able to schedule work shifts and automatically monitor the attendance of your team with Workstatus new attendance system, Schedules.

Here’s what Workstatus Schedules can do:

Schedule work shifts for your team
View schedules by the entire team or by individual
Create one-time or recurring shifts for team members
Send reminders to team members if they are late

Table of contents:

Getting Started
Creating a new schedule/shift
Schedule views
Deleting Shifts
Monitoring Schedules
Notification Control

Getting Started

To get started, click on the Schedules tab on the left sidebar.

You can navigate to previous or future weeks using the navigation arrows.

By default, all users on your team are shown. You can view the schedule of a single user with the user dropdown on the right or by clicking the user on the left of the schedule.

The date controls are on the left. Select the week you’d like to view.

Click the Add schedule button on the right to create a new shift.

Creating a New Schedule / Shift

Click the Add Schedule button to create a new shift for a user. Then fill in the details below:
Shift Duration
Shift Start time
Shift End time
Minimum Hours – the minimum hours a user is required to work (for example if their shift runs from 9am to 5pm (8 hours) with a 30 minute lunch break, you can place 7.5 minimum hours.
Recurring Shift Options
Repeats Until – the last day the recurring shifts are applied.
Days – select the days the shifts will repeat.

Click on Save to save changes.

Members view

Week view

Day view

Deleting Shifts

You can delete a shift by clicking on the shift you created under Schedules.

After clicking on the shift, you will receive a popup window where you can Delete or Edit the schedule. Click on Delete to remove the schedule.

Monitoring Schedules

Workstatus attendance scheduling is powerful because it allows you to always know when your employees are working during their shifts or not. You no longer have to chase employees down to find if they were working or not. If they use the Workstatus app to track their time during their scheduled shift, no notifications will be sent and you’ll know they worked when they were supposed to. If they weren’t working when they were scheduled to, you will get notified.
The three types of Schedule notifications that get sent are as follows:

Late Shifts

If the user doesn’t start tracking time within the first 5 minutes of when their shift is scheduled to begin, they will be counted as late and a notification will be sent as soon as our the app uploads data to our server.

Missed shifts

If the user doesn’t track any time during their shift, the shift is missed and a notification will be sent when the shift ends.

Abandoned Shifts

If the user tracks time during their shift but doesn’t meet the minimum hour requirement, the shift will be incomplete and a notification will be sent.
Other notifications that get sent let users know when they are added to a shift and when a shift is updated for them. As the organization owner, you will get summary notifications letting you know of all the late, missed, and abandoned shifts as well (similar to the work summary emails).

Notification Control

You can control the notifications in your organization settings by clicking on the Settings tab on the left sidebar. Then selecting Features from the drop-down menu. Go to the SCHEDULES tab, and you’ll see the Shift Alerts and Minimum Shift option on the left-hand menu. You can then enable alerts for users and owners/managers, just users, or never. Like the other Workstatus settings, you can set this at the organization level or at a user by user basis:

Updated on: 12/09/2024

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