Articles on: Time Zone and Time Tempering

Viewing your data in different time zones

Viewing your data in different time zones

Roles and Permissions:

Organization Owner/Manage :
They can change organizations timezone.

Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :

Viewing your data, activity and timesheets in different time zones within Workstatus is possible by toggling the timezone drop-down. Depending on the person viewing the timesheet data, the timezones may be different and may cause the viewer to see different data than say, an employee due to timezone differences. It is important to note that while each user sees different information, the recorded times are not lost, they are only adjusted based on what timezone the data is being viewed.

There are 3 available timezones in Workstatus:

Member’s timezone – the timezone of the member who recorded the data being viewed by owners/managers.
User timezone – your personal timezone set on your Workstatus account.
Organization’s timezone – your organization’s set timezone.

If you, the member you are looking at, and the organization all have different time zones then you will be able to change the views for the Timesheet pages in each one of those time zones. All other Workstatus sections will only display data based on the organization’s time zone.

The default time zone displayed is your personal account’s time zone. To change the time zone on the Timesheet pages you need to select the time zone you want to view from the Timezone drop-down shown below to show data.

Member’s Time zone

Organization’s Time zone

User Time zone

Updated on: 21/05/2024

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