Articles on: General

Settings for Work location and its Impact

Settings for Work location and its Impact

Step 1

Add the location of Working Employees ( Remote or Office ) with absent or working - IP Based tracker

Go to Settings >> General >>Organization >> Office Location >>Add new Location >>Give the set of IPv4 to set for a location.

Add New location(4)

Click Save Location to confirm the settings done.

Impact Overview

Step 2

IP based tracker defines which employee is working from office locations or working remotely and shows the information on Employees listing page including all 3 Views (List, Grid, Timeline) on Employees listing page

If any employee is Online (Green dot) works from office location then it will display (office location name & status: Working from Office) based on internet IP addresses (set on Step 1)

Login in Web App >>Go to People >>Employees, check on the Employee detail card - the set location name will be coming

In case any user of the same organization is logged in and its IP is not matching with the set of IPs given in the Step 1 then that user will be considered in Remote location

Step 3

A filter option can be provided through which Org. owner / manager can filter out the employees data how many employees Working from office / Home (Remote). Filter options should be:

Working from Office: Office Locations

Working from home (Remote)

The Data shown will be based on their Roles.

Step 4

Data can be viewed on Dashboard also to know which users are working from office and which user are working from remote.

Go to Dashboard >> Organization >> Member Location Widget

On clicking on any graph of any location then it will take to the employees screen

Updated on: 29/05/2024

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