Articles on: General

Workstatus Settings

Workstatus Settings

Workstatus Organization Settings

Roles and Permissions:

Organization Owner/Manager:
They can can access General Settings.

Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :

The Workstatus settings page allows you to customize and manage how each Workstatus feature works within your organization.
To access your organization settings, click on Settings on the side panel.

Note : These settings can be done by organization Owner/Manager.

Make sure you have the correct organization selected in the upper right-hand corner drop-down.

Table of Contents

A. General Settings
Default Member Role
Manage Project ID
Manage Task Status
Manage Task ID


Timer apps
Screenshot Timer
Idle Notes
Define Break
Break Time Limit
Tracking Mode

Member/Employee ID
Member Designation
Member Profile Visibility

B. Features Settings
Modify time
Approval Timesheet
Require reason
Job Sites
Restrict timer to job sites
Enter/exit notifications

General Settings


Default Member Role

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Projects > Default members role.

This setting allows you to choose the default role applied to each member when you create new projects. You can also change the settings for individual team members. For more information about what each role can access, please click here.

Manage Project ID

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Projects > Manage Project ID.

This setting allows you to set up unique project IDs for project identification. By default its Disable.

Please click on Enable* >> Click 'yes'** on Pop up to update settings toggle button to appear the ids on project.

Now enter the Prefix name & Id number you wish to assign to the projects and Click on save button.

Manage Todo Status

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Projects > Manage Task Status. Here you can create customized Task status to manage and categorize Task more efficiently. By Default Status is enable, to disable toggle to left and Click on Pop up for Yes/No to update the setting.

To change the Label Name and Color of the Task Status >> Click on Three dots on Right >> Edit Task Status tool tip- choose the color of your choice and save.

Note: By default 3 Task status(completed, yet to start and in-progress) will be enabled and cannot be disabled.

Manage Task ID

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Projects > Manage Task ID. This settings helps to setup unique todo IDs for todo identification.
By default its Disable. Please click on Enable* >> Click 'Yes/No'** on Pop up to update settings.

Toggle to Right To Enable the Task id.

Note: In case of automatic id is chosen - it cannot be reversed to manual.


To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Organization.

This is where you can edit your organization’s name, address, logo, tax ID, currency, the day when the workweek starts.

Timer Apps

Screenshot Timer

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Timer apps > Screenshot Timer.

This setting allows you to choose the default Screenshot timer applied to each member when you create a new Organisation. You can also change the settings for individual team members.

You can change the setting for the entire organization or individual users.

Idle Notes

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Timer apps > Idle Notes

This setting allows you to choose the default idle notes applied to each member when you create a new Organisation. You can also change the settings for individual team members.

you can choose Disabled , Enabled But Not Mandatory and Enabled & Mandatory according to your preferences

To access Disabled settings ,navigate to Settings > General > Timer apps > Idle Notes > Disabled

To access Enabled But Not Mandatory settings ,navigate to Settings > General > Timer apps > Idle Notes > Enabled But Not Mandatory

To access Enabled & Mandatory settings ,navigate to Settings > General > Timer apps > Idle Notes > Enabled & Mandatory

Define Break

The General settings allow you to define break times for your members. To access this page, go to the Settings tab then go to general after that timer app and click on Define Break

Break Time Limit

The General settings allow you to define break times limit for your members. To access this page, go to the Settings tab then go to general after that timer app and click on Break Time Limit

Tracking Mode

The General settings allow you to change tracking mode as Visible Mode or Stealth mode

Note : Stealth Mode is currently in Windows Desktop app.


The General settings allow you with the click of a button, Enable or Disable department to set permissions such as :
• Approve Timesheets
• Approve Time Off Requests
• Schedule Shifts.


Member/Employee ID

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Members > Member/Employee ID.

This setting allows you to set up unique Member/Employee unique ID for user identification.
A) By Default its Manually and Without prefix - indicates no employee/member id to be generated.

B) Manually and With Prefix - Indicates Member/employee id to be generated manually while inviting the member from member tab. & click on Save button to save the settings.

C) Automatically And With Prefix - Indicates Member/employee id to be generated Automatically while inviting the member from member tab. & click on Save button to save the settings.

D) Automatically And Without Prefix - Indicates Member/employee id to be generated Automatically but without any Prefix while inviting the member from member tab. & click on Save button to save the settings.

Note: In case of automatic id is chosen - it cannot be reversed to manual.

Member Designation

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Members > Member Designation. This setting allows you to define the level or position that employees are holding in the organization.

By Default its disable , To Enable click on Enable button and Ok on pop up to activate the setting.

Add Designation

Click on Add designation button>> Enter the desired text and click on Save.

You may Edit and Delete designation by clicking on 3 dots on right side of already created designation.

Member Profile Visibility

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General > Members > Member Profile Visibility.
By Default Its Open - which means that Profile settings like About Me, Personal info etc can be edited/Visible on member's account. If need to restrict editing-- Choose Restricted button.

Features Settings

The features settings allow you to configure additional settings for your members. To access this page, go to the Settings tab then the Features section.


Modify time

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > Features > Timesheets > Modify time.

To allow users to be able to add or edit their own time, you will want to enable the Modify Time setting on your organization.

Please note that users will always have the ability to delete their own time entries. When time entries are deleted, screenshots and activity levels are deleted permanently from the server and cannot be restored. Please exercise caution when deleting activities.

Approval Timesheet

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > Features > Timesheets > Approval timesheet.

This setting allows you to control if you’ll require your users to edit their approval timesheet settings.

Require reason

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > Features > Timesheets > Require Reason.

This setting allows you to control if you’ll require your users to provide a reason whenever they edit their timesheets. You can enable it for the entire organization or for each individual user.

Job Sites

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > Features > Job Sites.


Navigate to Settings > Features > Job Sites


Restrict timer to job sites

This setting allows you to restrict team members from being able to track outside job sites. When the setting is enabled, users will only be able to record time within the range of a specific job site.

Enter/exit notifications

Organization owners and managers can be notified through the mobile app when their team is entering/exiting job sites, this way you’ll know exactly when and where your team is working.

Updated on: 20/05/2024

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