Articles on: Projects

How to create Task in the application

How to create task in the application ?

Please Check the below pointers for adding Tasks

Login & navigate to project Management in menu >> Open any project >> Click on ""Add+"" icon >> Click on Add Todo

following numbers are represent tasks field:
number 5: Task Name, number 6: Project Name, number 7: Task Assignees, number 8: start & End date of task, number 9: Estimated hours number 10: Task List, number 11: Task status.

If you add more information then simply click on check box and add more information's.

Click on Quick Add icon >> Select Add Todo option from dropdown

If you add more information then simply click on check box and add more information's.

How to create quarterly recurring for task.

Navigate to Add/Edit task >>Toggle on the Recurrence option>>Select Frequency->Monthly and Once every->3

# Add the Task from the todo listing

A) Simple View :

Login & navigate to project Management in menu >> Open any Project >> Click on Sub header where Task, Assignee and due date is.

An option gets opened on the top of the todo list where user can add the name of Todo through inline Editing and after clicking the Enter button the todo should get saved.

B) Advanced View :

Login & navigate to Project Management in menu >> Open any Project >> Click on Add todo in front of any Task group

An option gets opened on the top of the todo list where user can add the name of Todo through inline Editing and after clicking the Enter button the todo should get saved.

Add Sub Task from Task listing screen.

Login & navigate to project Management in menu >> Open any Project >> Click on Add Todo '+' icon in front of any existing task.

Updated on: 12/06/2024

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