Articles on: Projects

How to view Subtask, Time Logs and checklist in a Task

How to view Subtask, Time Logs and checklist in a Task


A subtask is a smaller, more specific task that is part of a larger main task. It helps break down complex work into manageable steps, making it easier to track progress and ensure that all aspects of the main task are completed efficiently.

Step 1 : Navigate to project
Step 2: Select project
Step 3: Click on View Task
Step 4: Click on Subtask >> Here, you can see the total count of subtasks for this parent task, and the assignee can change the status of
each subtask.

Time Logs

A Time Log is a record of changes related to time tracking, such as estimated hours, start/end times, and actual hours invested in a task. It helps in monitoring how much time team members spend on their assigned tasks.

Timesheet Section

This section provides an overview of the time allocated and invested by different team members.

Columns in the Timesheet:

Name: Displays the name of the assignee
Estimated Hours: Shows the planned number of hours assigned to each member (e.g., 02:00, 04:00, 10:00).
Start Date: The date and time when the work begins (currently not specified).
End Date: The date and time when the work ends (currently not specified).
Invested Hours: The actual time spent on the task (e.g., 02:01, 17:26).

Timesheet Logs

Tracks changes made to the estimated hours for different team members. Here, you can view who changed the estimated time, start time, and end time.


The checklist feature allows users to break down tasks into smaller, manageable items. Users can track progress by marking checklist items as complete. This guide explains how to use the checklist feature efficiently.

How to create checklist

Step 1: Open the task where you want to manage a checklist.
Step 2: Navigate to the right-side panel and click on Checklists.
Step 3: Create a new checklist by clicking on "+" icon or click on create checklist
Step 4: Enter a title for the checklist.
Step 5: Press Enter to save the checklist.

How to create checklist item

Step 6: Click on check list and enter the item name and if you want to create number of checklist item then click on + icon

How to know number of checklist and item in task
You can simply view the number of check list in task at top (1) and number of item in checklist (2)

How to mark item as complete>> you can simply click on check box then item will be become complete

How to delete checklist item >> whenever you hover mouse on item then delete icon is visible and when you click on delete icon then item will delete

How to hide completed item from check list >>click on hide completed button then completed items will hide

How to delete, check all and uncheck all checklist item

Step 1 : click on three dots
Step 2: if you want to delete check list then click on Delete
Step 3 : if you want to completed all item then click on Check All
Step 4 : if you want to incomplete all item then click on Uncheck All

Updated on: 17/02/2025

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