Articles on: Projects

How to View the Milestone

How to View the Milestone

Roles and Permissions:

Organization Owner/Manager :
They can Add Milestone , View Milestone and Edit Milestone.

Delivery Head :
They can Add Milestone , View Milestone and Edit Milestone.

Project Manager (User) :
They can't Add Milestone . They can edit and view only assigned Milestone .

User :
They can't Add Milestone . They can edit and view only assigned Milestone .

On the project details page (Milestone) tab, you see list of milestones within project. You can click on 3 dots button and go to View Milestone screen.

View Milestone page have Milestone details, Tasks List and Comments section:-

Milestone details

Following information are available on Milestone details section.

Milestone name
Project name
Start & End date: shows the start & end dates selected for this milestone.
Budgeted hours: shows the total number of hours added when this milestone was created/edited.
Invested hours: shows the total number of hours invested on available todos of this milestone.
CR (Change Request): Shows CR tag if it was enabled when this milestone was created/edited. If unchecked, the CR tag won't be displayed.
Shows the following additional information about a particular milestone :
Owner: shows the milestone owner image, if clicked name will also displayed.
a) Internal: this milestone will only be displayed to project/milestone members.
b) External: Then both client & project members (organization members) can see this milestone details.
Created by & time: shows the creator image & if hovered, the member name will also displayed. Shows the date & time stamp on which this milestone was created.
Last Edited: shows date & time stamp information when this milestone was edited previously and should follow date & time format as follows: YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM

Tasks List
Following information are available on Tasks List section.

Open :
Here you can see the total number of open tasks list and the total number of task in it.
If you select a single tasks list, Delete, Mark as Complete and Move Tasks List options will appear. You will now be able to delete the tasks list, mark it as a completed tasks list and you will be able to move the work group from one milestone to another.

Delete Tasks List
Firstly select tasks list which you want to delete if open tasks are present in this list at time of deleting it will show the warring pop up " There are tasks in it, please move to another tasks list". You will able to deleting task after moving task to other tasks list.

Mark as Complete
First select the tasks list you want to mark as completed and simply click on Mark as Complete option, then this tasks list will be completed and it will appear in the Completed section.

Move :
First select the Tasks List you want to move, so simply click on Move option, then you will see the milestone list, then simply select the milestone you want to move to the Tasks List, then This Tasks List will move into the selected milestone.

Completed : Here you can see the total number of completed Tasks List and the total number of task in it.

Add Tasks Lists:
if todo group is note added into milestone then Org Owner/Manager and Delivery head will be able to add new todo group into milestone

All members which is the part of milestone they will be able to add comment and also able to tag particular member then mail will send to tagged member. Member aslo able to create tag.
a) Internal: Comments added will only be visible to project members, Client to this project will not show comments.
b) External : Comments added will be visible to project members as well as clients of this project.

Updated on: 13/06/2024

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