Articles on: Members

Member Tasks Details

Member Tasks Details

Roles and Permission

* Organization Owner/Manager/ Delivery head :
They can see the tasks details of all the members who are part of the organization.

Department Head:
They can view details of work of all members of the assigned department.

Project Manager :
Project Manager is only be able to see those projects in which he is project manager and this user is part of that project. Can check for the users who are assigned in his project and when he will open the screen of any other project member then he will only be able to see the projects which are under him not others

Team Leader :
They can also view the tasks details assigned to themselves as well as to their team members.

User :
User can see only assigned task details.

How to view Task Details.

Step 1 : Click on People >> Employee and click on arrow (3)

Step 2 : Click on Task tab

Now you can able to view tasks details

Projects Assigned : Number of Projects assigned to that user.
To dos Assigned : - No. of Total Tasks.
Working On : - No. of Total Tasks currently working - Tasks which are in running state - On which the tracker is running but not completed yet. Independent
of the Task status created and set on that task.
Completed : - No. of Total Tasks Completed - Marked deployed/completed/ 100% done.
Yet to Start : - No. of Total Tasks has not begin working - On which tracker / manual is not started yet - 0 time logged.
Hours Available : - Total hours available in week as per daily limit of the user.
Hours Invested : - It will show the total hours logged in a specific week.
Project Worked : - It will shows Project worked.
Tasks worked : - It will shows Tasks worked.

Tasks Details.

Simple View :
here you can see the task id, task name, sub task/ activity, task list, project name and start and end date, estimated and invested hours, Task type, billing, priority and action.

Advanced View :
To view Advanced View click on Simple View tab and select Advanced View then you will be able to see the details of tasks in Advanced View.
In advanced view you are able to see all number of project assigned user. If you want to view any one project progress then simply click on double arrow then you will able to view number of assigned task in project , task estimated and invested hours, start and end date, task status.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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