Articles on: Workstatus Best Practices

Setup of Accounting Company in Workstatus

Setup of Accounting Company in Workstatus

Roles and Permissions:

Organization Owner/Manage/ Delivery Head /
They can Add/ Setup new Organization

Dept Head(User)/ Project Manager (User)/Team Lead(User)/ User:
They can Add/ Setup new Organization

Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :

Maximize your clients and your own profitability without the hassle. Workstatus helps you focus on what matters by taking the day-to-day tasks out of your hands. Our software can help you manage your team by monitoring individual and team activities: such as checking how your team spends their time, ensuring their timesheets are correct for generating reports.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to get the most out of your Workstatus organization:

Table of Contents

Setting up your organization
Invite your team to join your Workstatus organization
Download the desktop app
Installing and signing into the client
Setting up projects
Assigning to-dos
Adding clients
Setting up timesheet approvals
Time Tracking
Time tracking using the apps
Manual time addition
Generating reports

Setting up your organization

Organizations are a critical aspect of Workstatus. Think of each Workstatus organization as one company. It is the structure that houses all your employees, clients, projects, tasks, and more.

Click on any topic below to learn more about organizations:

Setting up an organization
Edit your organization Details
Archiving an organization
Restoring an Archived organization

If you are a team member looking to join an existing Workstatus organization, please reach out to your organization owner to send you an invite.

Invite your team to join your Workstatus organization

To get started, you’ll need to invite your staff as members of your Workstatus organization. To invite your team, navigate to the Members page, then click on the Invite Member button. Click here to view our complete guide to inviting your team.

After successfully inviting your team, the next step would be to download the time tracking app.

The mobile app can only record time and locations. To record desktop activity (screenshots/apps/URLs/keyboard and mouse activity) you’ll need to download the desktop applications for Windows and Mac.

Installing and Signing into the Client

After downloading the client, users will be prompted to install it. Click on an operating system below for a guide on how to install the Workstatus app:

Windows client
OSX client
Linux Desktop Client

Android Mobile Client
iOS Mobile Client

Setting up Projects

Projects are a way to organize your team’s tracked time. You can organize your team’s time and activities into projects. Click here for a Setting up projects on Workstatus. Complete this initial setup guide to customizing your projects based on how you need them to work for your company.

Assigning Task

Tasks are called Task in Workstatus. To add a Task, navigate to the Task menu on the sidebar, then click on Add Task button.

Below Number are represent following task field
7: Task Name, 8: Project Name, 9: Assignee, 10: Start & End date, 11:Estimated hours, 12: Tasks List, 13: Task Status

if you want to add more Task information's then click on check box and fill all information's and click on Save button.

A dialog box will appear where you can choose which team member to assign the task. Once the to-do is assigned, it will appear on the Workstatus client so the team member can track time to them.

Adding clients

The Clients feature helps you to categorize which projects belong to which Clients. Click here for a complete step-by-step guide to setting up your Workstatus account for clients/customers.

Setting up Job Sites and Geofencing

What is a Job site?

Job sites are geographic areas with boundaries specified by a radius. This is also known as geofencing. Job sites are pre-defined areas where employees perform their work.

Creating Job sites


To create a job site or geofence, click on the Job Sites menu on the sidebar, then click the Arrow at right top corner.


Click Add Jobsite.


Next, enter the Job site name, address, and geofence radius. Click Next to continue.


You can then choose which users can record time to this job site, then on the Automatic timer actions section, you can define whether:

On Arrival/Departure – defines what happens when a user arrives at a job site.

Start/Stop Timer- With the automatic settings set to start/stop the timer, (with mobile location services set to always) the timer will automatically start when your staff arrives at the job site and stops when they leave.
Send Reminder– With settings set to Send Reminder, this will send an in-app notification to your staff once they enter or leave the job site. This setting would be ideal if they are leaving job sites, and on occasion, you’d like the timer to continue to run (if they are going to a different location) or stop the timer (if they are done with work for the day)
Don’t Start/Stop Timer- This requires a complete manual start/stop of the mobile application. Users will need to hit play on the timer for time and location tracking to start. If they hit play before entering/leaving the job site, the time they enter/leave will show on the Job Site Visit Report

Track time to project – record time to a specific project when a user is within the job site area.

Hit Save to continue.

If you are looking to calculate total drive time, you will need to calculate this on your own by noting the departure time at one job site and the arrival time at the next job site.

Time Tracking

At this point, your team is now ready to track their time. Once they’ve tracked time, the app will then upload the time and activity data to the web dashboard every ~10 minutes.

Automatic time tracking based on job sites

When Job Sites are set up and are configured to start/stop the timer within the entry and exit of a geofenced area, the timer will automatically start upon arriving at a job site, and stop upon exiting the site. This is only available on the mobile app.

Manual time tracking using the apps

You can track time manually by pressing the start/stop buttons on your Workstatus application.



Manual time addition

You can also opt to add in time manually for your team or let them manually add time for themselves. To do this, Enable the Modify Time setting, then follow this guide on how to add time manually.

Generating Reports

Workstatus provides a number of reports that display an in-depth look into what your team is working on, how they are spending their time, and how efficient they are being.

We separate data into different reports, that are easy to use, filter, and adjust to provide the exact information you are looking for. You can display the total amount of time each/all users works, how much time each/all users spend on a project, and more.

Click here to learn more about what reports are available in Workstatus.

You’re all set! Next time, you’ll be able to add more people, projects, tasks, clients, generate reports, job sites, and more. In case you need help with anything, please feel free to reach out to our support team via

Updated on: 04/10/2024

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