Articles on: Members

Deletion of account from Product

Deletion of account from Product

Role : User/ TL/ PM

The application will allow the user to delete their account. The delete however will be a soft delete only. The data of the user will continue to exist in the application. The application will have delete functionality as follows:-

The delete account link will be enabled for User/ TL / PM only. The button will be disabled for Organization owner and Manager.
The Link will be available under Profile Image and in Profile Page under Delete an account.

Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :


This is the Soft delete - means this User/PM /TL data still exists and can be seen by Org Owner in his admin account.

Click on Delete Account >> Select Yes from the pop up and user is logged out of the Web app


Hard Delete means - User/PM/TL will be permanently deleted with its data from the organization.

Login as Org Owner >> Go To Members >> the User/PM/TL who have deleted themselves now are strike off with Red color.

Click on Three dots on right side>> Choose Hard delete >> you will get a warning pop up >> Click Yes and that User/TL/PM is removed from the organization.

Role : Org Owner & Manager

For organization owner & manager, the delete account by following steps:


Go to Profile>>The button will be available under Profile Image and in Profile Page under Delete an account >> It will open to the support chat box >> After preliminary questions, the customer care executive will get in touch with the user to inquire about the deletion reason.


The customer care executive will enable the option for DELETE account

Now, Organization owner/manager can delete the account. They will still be shown confirmation messages that all users, data (timesheet/screenshots, etc.) will be deleted for complete organization. Once confirmed, they will be asked to re-enter the password for their account panel which will be verified. Once successfully verified, the user & organization account will be deleted.


Org Owner will receive a email for deletion of its account.

Updated on: 27/05/2024

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