Articles on: Features

How to allow team member to modify timesheet

Workstatus Features Settings

Roles and Permissions:

Organisation Owner/Manager:
They can allow team member to modify timesheet.

Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :

The Workstatus settings page allows you to customize and manage how each Workstatus feature works within your organization.
To access your organization settings, click on Settings on the side panel.

Note : These settings can be done by organization Owner/Manager.

Make sure you have the correct organization selected in the upper right-hand corner drop-down.

The features settings allow you to configure additional settings for your members. To access this page, go to the Settings tab then the Features section.

Modify time

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > Features > Timesheets > Modify time.

To allow users to be able to add or edit their own time, you will want to enable the Modify Time setting on your organization.

Please note that users will always have the ability to delete their own time entries. When time entries are deleted, screenshots and activity levels are deleted permanently from the server and cannot be restored. Please exercise caution when deleting activities.

Updated on: 21/05/2024

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