How to control Daily Work Summary Email Notifications for my team?
How to control Daily Work Summary Email Notifications for my team?
Roles and Permissions:
Organisation Owner/Manager:
They can control Daily Work Summary Email Notiication for all members of organisation
Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission :
If you want Daily Work Summary of you team to be sent by an email, follow below steps:
Daily Work Summary
Click on the Settings tab on the left sidebar, then select Features.
Select the Activity tab, then click the Achievements option the to** Daily Work Summary** to Manage who will receive Daily work summary email notifications.
Default setting: If you wish for all of your team to receive Daily work summary email notifications, please set it as Enable .
Individual members: You also have the option to pick and choose specific members to receive Daily work summary email notifications. This setting is useful if you do not wish for all members of your team to receive email. Simply select the toggle between Enable/Disable button to activate the settings for those members.
You can check below screenshot of the mail received:
Updated on: 21/05/2024
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