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- Getting StartedHow to get started- Setup and Basics
- Account SettingsEverything related to your account: email, avatar, password & more.
- ActivityGuide on activity tracking, monitoring, and management
- AppsGet your major queries for App usage resolved here
- ClientsKnow how to manage clients, projects, and more in the same dashboard
- DashboardGet insights on multi-usage of dashboard.
- FAQGet answers to your most asked questions here
- Workstatus Best PracticesFollow the best practices to use Workstatus efficiently.
- Job SitesKnow how to create and use job sites for optimum management.
- MembersAdd, manage, and monitor members in projects and more.
- Mobile AppsKnow how mobile apps work for remote and on-field employees.
- OrganizationsInformation on how to setup organization and more.
- Permissions and RolesKnow how to set up permissions and roles with Workstatus
- ProjectsAdd projects, clients, staff, and more
- ReportsKnow about different report formats and filters to fetch reports.
- ScreenshotsSee how screenshots save and work for monitoring purposes.
- SettingsKnow what and how to customize usage in settings
- FeaturesGet to know the Workstatus features better
- GeneralIn-hand guide to Workstatus
- TeamsLearn how teams work with Workstatus
- TimesheetsLearn how to extract and use timesheets from Workstatus
- TroubleshootingFacing a problem in using Workstatus? Get help from this guide
- URL'sLearn how URLs record and work in the app
- User DataFind out how WS collects and stores data
- LocationsCheck out how locations get stored and work in the app.
- Time OFFMore information about Time-Off and usage.
- SchedulesManage your Team Schedules & Roster information over here.
- AttendanceGuide on the attendance management
- SubscriptionGet your Monthly and Annual plan details
- Time Zone and Time TemperingGet Answers to Time Zone Mismatch and Time Tampering changes.
- IntegrationIntegration of Workstatus with 3rd Party servers
- DepartmentsCreate different teams/departments to streamline your workflow.
- Refer & EarnRefer and Earn program rewards referrers for inviting new users to join or use a product, service, or platform.
- ExpenseExpenses refer to the costs incurred to complete a project successfully. These costs can be planned (budgeted) or unplanned, and managing them effectively.