Workstatus Settings
Workstatus Organization Settings Roles and Permissions: Organization Owner/Manager: They can can access General Settings. Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission : The Workstatus settings page allows you to customize and manage how each Workstatus feature works within your organization. To access your organization settings, click on Settings on the side panel.Some readersHow to change the screenshot frequency?
How to change the screenshot frequency? Roles and Permissions: Organization Owner/Manager: They can change screenshot frequency of all members of organization. Organisation owners and managers can change how frequently Workstatus records screenshots on the settings page by navigating to Sidebar Settings GeneralTimer AppsScreenshot Timer as shown below: Only organization owners and managers have access to modify this setting. STEP 1 Click on SettingsSome readersCan we force screenshots to be deleted?
Can we force screenshots to be deleted? QUESTION: Can I force screenshots to be deleted? ANSWER: Yes, If Delete screenshot setting is enabled from setting , you can delete screenshots. Steps to delete screenshot . STEP 1 First, navigate to the Activity screenshots section from the main menu. STEP 2 By clciking on Delete icon you can delete singleSome readersChanging when work week starts
Changing when work week starts Roles and Permissions: Organization Owner/Manager: They can can access General Settings. Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission : As the owner of the organization, you have the ability to set which day of the week your work week starts on. STEP 1 From the side menu, click on the “Settings” then click “General.” !Some readersWorkstatus Organization Overview
Workstatus Organization Overview Organizations are a critical aspect of Workstatus. Think of each Workstatus organization as one company – it is the structure that houses all your employees, clients, projects, tasks, and more. If you are a team member looking to join an existing organization, please reach out to your organization owner to send you an invite. Click on any topic below to learn more about organizaSome readersAuto add users to projects
Auto add users to projects Roles and Permissions: Organization Owner/Manager: They can can access General Settings. Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission : Users can automatically be added and assigned a specific role to every project that you create. Click here to learn moreSome readersHow to Modify timesheet settings?
How to Modify timesheet settings Roles and Permissions: Organization Owner/Manager: They can enable/disable modify time settings for all members of organization. Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission : Changing the Modify Time setting To allow users to be able to modify Add, Edit, Delete & productivity % enable settings from your organization. Roles and PSome readersHow to get a report for idle time?
How to get a report for idle time? Idle time is the time recorded without keyboard or mouse activity after the inactivity warning or idle timeout dialog appears. How To Filter Time Tracked According To Idle Time Type STEP 1 Use the main navigation menu to browse to the relevant section. Time types can be filtered across the Activity Screenshots or Timesheets View timesheet sections. Activity Screenshots: ( readersHow to access All settings ?
How to access All settings ? Roles and Permissions: Organization Owner/Manager: They can access All Settings. Please refer following link for accessing Roles and Permission : The Workstatus settings page allows you to customize and manage how each Workstatus feature works within your organization. To access your organization settings, click on Settings on the side panel. (httpFew readersImpact of Finance Setting
Impact of Finance Setting Step 1 Please Refer following article for Enabling the Finance settings for the Projects. Step 2 Impact of Finance Setting This setting is created to allow project managers that they can see the financial data or No . A) If Enabled then the Project managers will be able to see the financial data of the project. B) If Disabled then the Project managers will not be able to sFew readers